If you are looking to increase the effectiveness of your marketing and need help, welcome to Think Direct. Providing expert advice and training in all areas of integrated marketing, using a data led approach to solving your problems.
Common problems that I have helped address:
- Ensuring that your marketing data is fit for purpose, supports the business strategy and delivers profitable growth
- Helping the business prepare for new marketing technology and enabling its successful deployment - whether it's a new email system, marketing automation or CRM
- Working with the board to identify new go to market strategies and respond to digital disruption
- Build a plan for the effective integration of digital media into business as usual for b2b sales and marketing
- Helping Marketing Directors build a robust business case for investment
- Auditing and Improving Customer Experience for improved profitability
- Building marketing partnerships for successful growth
Email me at shane.redding@thinkdirect.biz today to discuss your current marketing challenges or visit my consultancy page to see how I have helped other businesses.